The sensation of movement of yourself or your environment is termed vertigo and is one of the most common reasons that people visit a doctor. Many conditions can cause this dizziness or vertigo feeling.
For example, you could have lightheadedness or a more significant condition like a tumor. Among the most common causes is called benign positional vertigo also known as BPPV. This article will discuss the treatment of this type of vertigo with vertigo exercises.
Unfortunately, it is common that this form of vertigo is often treated with medication. While medication may assist in decreasing the symptoms of vertigo or associated nausea it does not address the root cause of the problem.
We will discuss the cause of this type of vertigo, why drugs are not an effective solution, and the role of vertigo exercises in your recovery.
Vertigo referred to as benign positional vertigo is said to be triggered by particles or debris that are loose within our balance organs. Semicircular canals are the proper name for our balance organs and they are found in our inner ears.
They contain a fluid-like substance, which when we move will activate little tiny hair-like receptors. These receptors send messages to our brains to inform us about what direction we are moving in. The loose debris or particles interfere with the receptor messages to the brain and therefore we may feel an increased sensation of movement, thus the feeling of vertigo.
The answer to this condition is not drugs or medication we need something that will take away or remove the loose debris. This will not be done by drugs. What drugs will do is dampen or decrease your nervous system so you won't feel as dizzy or as nauseous.
The best and safest way to correct this problem is vertigo exercises. Sadly, many people are given incorrect exercises or informed about the correct exercises in the wrong manner. It is usually for people to be instructed to do habituation exercises.
These exercises focus on strongly stimulating the balance organs so they can adapt to strong stimulation, therefore your system hopefully won't feel so dizzy. This approach once again is not really correcting the problem, never the less it is a non-drug option.
This habituation exercise should be the second choice of vertigo exercises for people, unfortunately, they are incorrectly used as the first option.
There is a correct solution to this benign positional vertigo. There are specific vertigo exercises that reposition the particles or debris to a less sensitive area in the semi-circular canals. In this position, they will not affect the receptors so much.
Now, this option corrects the underlying problem of loose debris and does not just cover up the symptoms. If done correctly the exercises are very safe and effective.
CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this
Vertigo and Dizziness Eliminated Without Drugs
These Easy, 15 Minutes, Head Balance Exercises Treat All Types of Vertigo and Dizziness - Starting Today!
If you think your vertigo or occasional dizziness is just an inconvenience…
You’re Dead Wrong!
- Vertigo is the number one cause of broken bones and head injuries in people over 55.
- It often leads to deadly head fractures and loss of cognitive function due to internal bleeding and brain injuries.
- It’s the most frequent complaint doctors receive.
- And worst of all, it’s a clear indicator that you’re at high risk of stroke – you could experience one any minute now.
The traditional medical system has no solution.
They don’t even know what causes it in most cases.
Fortunately, natural researchers have successfully found a solution to all types of vertigo and dizziness.
The cure is a set of simple head exercises.
- They’re completely natural – require no medications or surgery.
- They’re easy – almost anyone can benefit from them, no matter what kind of shape you’re in.
- They only take 3-15 minutes per day – and because the results are permanent, once you’re cured, you don’t have to use them again.
- They work fast – many people experience immediate relief. Others need a few days or weeks at the most.
…and they work for almost everyone!
Today I’m going to teach you these easy vertigo and dizziness exercises. Click here to continue…