Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Does Cervical Vertigo Cause Pain in the Neck?

"I still don't understand the difference between empathy and sympathy," explained a friend's nine-year-old son while I was attending a get-together recently. I love the learning capabilities of children, especially this one.

But what amused me more is his devotion to understanding the world. He is an average kid with an average absorption rate.

As I worked hard to come up with reasons where he could compare because he knew perfectly what the person had gone through versus situations where he felt bad but had never personally suffered the same experience, he said, "Before this morning, I would have had sympathy for someone with neck pain but no empathy."

I started with a neck pain story and finished with a story of cervical vertigo of another client. He also explained that before he slept in a bad position and now has neck pain. And this thing sparked an empathy story about neck pain.

She met with a car accident some years back and almost lost consciousness for many minutes. When admitted and while recovering in the hospital she experienced severe neck pain due to whiplash.

While still in the hospital, she was diagnosed as having BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo), which is not uncommon given her injury.

Her symptoms included: nystagmus (shaking of the eye), nausea, vomiting, sweating, and auditory issues including pain and tinnitus (ringing in the ear). All terrible symptoms on their own, let alone combined; however she said the worst to her was the near-constant dizziness and pain, in that order.

Physical therapy did help with the majority of the symptoms but to this day, her neck pain and dizziness remain. Added to that, it took over a year for her to even be diagnosed with cervical vertigo. This is because other causes of vertigo including inner ear disease have to be ruled out first.

Even at this point knowing her condition nothing much could be done about her neck pain and dizziness. The medication taken to eliminate pain reduced some symptoms but created more symptoms. Some relief was achieved through physical therapy but it is not adequate.

Before fixing up an appointment with a chiropractor some research had let her know that manual manipulation of the neck will actually make things worse.

Now, things were "OK," as she put it, with the only problem now being that when she would turn her head suddenly, at a certain angle, dizziness and pain would ensue - sometimes for hours.

I was shocked because I had programs that can help her. With this program, I have helped many of my friends. After hearing this story and my friend's son was shocked. Having empathy for this kind of neck pain is fine. But sympathy will suffice. I'm very eager to know how these programs will help her. 

Therefore, I requested my new friend to try this neck pain, dizziness, and vertigo program.

Vertigo and Dizziness Eliminated Without Drugs

These Easy, 15 Minutes, Head Balance Exercises Treat All Types of Vertigo and Dizziness - Starting Today!

If you think your vertigo or occasional dizziness is just an inconvenience…

You’re Dead Wrong!

  • Vertigo is the number one cause of broken bones and head injuries in people over 55.
  • It often leads to deadly head fractures and loss of cognitive function due to internal bleeding and brain injuries.
  • It’s the most frequent complaint doctors receive.
  • And worst of all, it’s a clear indicator that you’re at high risk of stroke – you could experience one any minute now.

The traditional medical system has no solution.

They don’t even know what causes it in most cases.

Fortunately, natural researchers have successfully found a solution to all types of vertigo and dizziness.

The cure is a set of simple head exercises.

  • They’re completely natural – require no medications or surgery.
  • They’re easy – almost anyone can benefit from them, no matter what kind of shape you’re in.
  • They only take 3-15 minutes per day – and because the results are permanent, once you’re cured, you don’t have to use them again.
  • They work fast – many people experience immediate relief. Others need a few days or weeks at the most.

…and they work for almost everyone!

Today I’m going to teach you these easy vertigo and dizziness exercises. Click here to continue…

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Educating Oneself of the Herbal Medicines Used in Vertigo Treatment

Vertigo is a disease that occurs for the reason that you do have problems in the posterior semicircular canals of the inner ear. It is medically termed the vestibular labyrinth area of the ear. If you are experiencing vertigo and noticed an irregular sensation that causes you to feel that the things around you are continuously spinning, whirling, or moving, you probably have vertigo. 

Having those symptoms, you are reminded that episodes of loss of balance or a feeling of vomiting may develop and becomes an acute disorder. You will then be advised to get some natural vertigo treatment.

Lots of causes of vertigo are being watched out for and are noted as the sickness has been associated with tinnitus or ringing in your ears. Other symptoms are loss of hearing, headache, double vision, stiff neck, depression, anxiety, head injuries, infections of your inner ear, multiple sclerosis, brain tumors, and age-related injury of the inner ear or brain. 

Studies and statistics have confirmed that one out of ten patients consulting their doctor are having complaints about vertigo and would call for vertigo treatment. The likelihood of developing the condition increases as the person gets older.

It is indispensable that the exact cause of your vertigo is identified. To start the evaluation, the doctor will take your blood pressure, do some special hearing tests, requires a brain scan, and execute a rotator chair test. This test will evaluate the severity of your problem while the person is seated in a chair and is turned around in different directions.

Herbal remedies are remarkably utilized and natural vertigo treatment is surprisingly helpful in providing relief with no side effects or unwanted outcomes. Herbal extracts are prized substances that are acknowledged as natural vertigo treatments. It has proven exceptional outcomes compared to other remedies coming from pharmaceutical companies.

Ginkgo Biloba is the extract of the maidenhair tree that has been discovered to heighten blood circulation within the small vessels of your inner ear. Another herbal medicine used for vertigo treatment is Feverfew which is a plant extract that lowers inflammation processes inside your inner ear and improves blood circulation. 

This also increases the number of nutrients and oxygen that will be absorbed by the parts of your inner ear responsible for maintaining balance.

Supplementary herbal medicine is Vinpocetine which is a brain stimulant. It is outstandingly important in helping to minimize symptoms of vertigo. Vinpocetine is the extract of the periwinkle plant that enhances oxygen delivery to your brain. 

Ginger juice is also another herbal medicine that is part of the vertigo treatment that aids to relieve vertigo naturally by lowering ear pressure. It can be administered along with some honey to better the taste of the remedy. Plainly drinking a glass of cold water has also been known to diminish the symptoms of this disease.

If you consider you might be experiencing vertigo, be firm that you uncover the cause and be diagnosed by your doctor without delay. This condition goes well with natural vertigo treatment. It is necessary that older people inquire for assistance to elude life-threatening falls due to dizziness.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

The Natural Vertigo and Dizziness Relief Exercise Program – By Christian Goodman

I’m not going to waste your time with lots of reading. You’re probably anxious to get rid of your pain, so let me get straight to the point.

This program is split into 4 parts:

  1. Neck release exercises
  2. Head exercises
  3. Neck and shoulders exercises
  4. Tension removal exercises

You don’t have to push yourself to do all the exercises in the program. The most important parts are parts 1 (neck release exercises) and part 2 (head exercises). 

These exercises focus on releasing tension from the muscles around the neck and ears. This increases the blood flow up to the head, releases any squeezed nerves, and frees the balance system in the ears.

These exercises will put absolutely no strain on the neck, so there’s no discomfort and there is no danger of harming anything, even if your vertigo is caused by a neck accident.

The neck and shoulders exercises (part 3) are very refreshing and pump fresh oxygen into the neck and shoulders and up to the head. If you’ve had a neck accident, however, you should not practice this part.

The exercises in part 4 are very good in getting rid of both emotional and physical tension, which are very common causes of vertigo and dizziness. Practicing these exercises makes you feel better and makes the other exercises work better too.

The program helped everyone who gave it a good try. Only those who gave up too early failed to treat their vertigo and dizziness. So I’m convinced it will work for you, too.

Click Here To Watch This Video On The Official Website 

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

What Has Vertigo Got to Do With My Ears?

The human ear has another function other than to allow people to hear what is going on around them. To be able to hold conversations, to hear birds singing to appreciate music, and to listen to the television on the radio, etc.

The other major function of the ear is to help people keep their balance. This balancing mechanism is found in the inner ear and consists of three fluid-filled canals containing minute hair cells. 

When the head moves the fluid in the canals moves and therefore causes the hair cells to vibrate sending electrical impulses to the brain. The brain then interprets these electrical impulses as a signal that the body is moving into a different position.

If something interferes with this process and the messages to the brain become distorted then this could cause Vertigo. Vertigo is a medical term for the feeling of losing your balance or that the world is spinning around. It could often cause a person to fall down if they could not hold onto something to steady themselves. 

An example of this can be seen at a simple party trick when a person is told to hold onto something like a walking stick and then spin around the stick a number of times. When they stop it will be noticed that he or she finds it very difficult to stand or walk in a straight line. This is because they have caused the fluid in the inner ear canals and also the hair cells to become very unstable sending different messages to the brain.

There are three types of Vertigo of which the most common is called Benign Positional Vertigo. This condition is generally very mild and manifests itself in many common situations. You may experience it if you suddenly stand up after bending down for some time. 

If fact any sudden change in position can cause Vertigo but these cases usually only last a few moments until the brain readjusts its messages. If this feeling lasts more than a few minutes and is in a very recurring condition it is most likely due to the formation of crystals in the fluid in the canals. 

These crystals can give false information to the brain causing it to misinterpret what is in fact taking place. There are exercises that are recommended to help overcome this problem.

The second type of Vertigo is called Viral Neuronitis which as the name suggests is mainly caused by a virus infection of the inner ear. This infection can upset the function of the hair cells causing incorrect information to be sent to the brain. This could cause very bad and prolonged Vertigo even incapacitating the sufferer for a number of days. The Vertigo will gradually decrease as the virus infection is controlled.

The third type of Vertigo is Acute Labyrinthitis, again caused by a virus infection. This does not only cause normal symptoms such as balance problems but if not treated correctly can also cause hearing loss and Tinnitus. It is, therefore, very important that this is diagnosed quickly before permanent damage is done.

There is another disease called Meniere's disease which causes Vertigo, also hearing loss, and Tinnitus, which if not treated will become permanent.

It is always advisable to contact your GP as soon as any Vertigo appears as he will be able to advise you if any treatment is necessary or what you can do yourself to help the situation.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Vertigo and Dizziness Eliminated Without Drugs

These Easy, 15 Minutes, Head Balance Exercises Treat All Types of Vertigo and Dizziness - Starting Today!

If you think your vertigo or occasional dizziness is just an inconvenience…

You’re Dead Wrong!

  • Vertigo is the number one cause of broken bones and head injuries in people over 55.
  • It often leads to deadly head fractures and loss of cognitive function due to internal bleeding and brain injuries.
  • It’s the most frequent complaint doctors receive.
  • And worst of all, it’s a clear indicator that you’re at high risk of stroke – you could experience one any minute now.

The traditional medical system has no solution.

They don’t even know what causes it in most cases.

Fortunately, natural researchers have successfully found a solution to all types of vertigo and dizziness.

The cure is a set of simple head exercises.

  • They’re completely natural – require no medications or surgery.
  • They’re easy – almost anyone can benefit from them, no matter what kind of shape you’re in.
  • They only take 3-15 minutes per day – and because the results are permanent, once you’re cured, you don’t have to use them again.
  • They work fast – many people experience immediate relief. Others need a few days or weeks at the most.

…and they work for almost everyone!

Today I’m going to teach you these easy vertigo and dizziness exercises. Click here to continue…

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Can Vertigo Be Treated With Physical Therapy?

People who have vertigo experience episodes of dizziness or headache when they move their heads. It makes it difficult to perform normal daily duties and they often develop disabling headaches. They also can experience nausea or vomiting especially when they wake up in the morning.

Benign positional vertigo is a condition marked by vertigo and dizziness and associated symptoms due to disorders of the vestibular system. The primary pathology is hypersensitivity of the balancing system of the brain that gives wrong messages to the brain. 

Semicircular canals are very sensitive to the movement of inner hair cells (the input from the organ of Corti is responsible for the maintenance of your head posture and body balance), but in the presence of calcium crystals that may occur due to aging, tumor, trauma or infection-related conditions, the sensory system receives wrong information and you will experience dizziness, vertigo, and headache with mild and abrupt head motion.

Although doctors and healthcare providers suggest medications and pharmacological interventions, nothing really works for benign positional vertigo. But in the majority of cases, physical therapy exercises have proved fairly helpful in treating and managing cases of vertigo due to inorganic causes.

The aim of physical therapy exercises is to prepare and train your body to learn to differentiate different types of head motion. When vertigo is caused by the movement of calcium crystals or bony fragments in the inner ear, physical therapy exercises help in relocating and readjusting the fragment to limit the duration and frequency of episodes. 

Physical therapy exercises are perhaps the most preferred mode of therapy in benign positional vertigo (when there is no organic cause of vertigo and other associated symptoms).

Epley or Sermont Maneuvers are performed in the doctor's office or in a physiotherapy clinic because the aim of therapy is to re-lodge or relocate the crystals in inner ear ossicles. During Epley and Sermon maneuvers, your therapist tilts your head at different angles while properly supporting your head in his arms. 

The overall therapy procedure takes no longer than 10 to 15 minutes. The calculated movements of the head help in shifting the crystals back into the canals.

The Brandt-Daroff exercise is normally performed in the home setting and it is very important to seek the advice of a healthcare provider before performing these maneuvers. Brandt Daroff's exercise deals with performing stepwise motion that may help in the stimulation and habituation of inner ear cells to repeated head motion. 

Brandt Daroff exercises to deal with maintaining a sitting posture and then tilting your body on the right side of the body to support the head on the side of the bed. Sudden movement or tilting of the head will produce characteristic headaches, vertigo, and dizziness that may last for 30 seconds or more. 

Once you begin to feel stable, sit straight and stay in this position for another 30 seconds or until your symptoms subside. The next step is to drop your body gently but steadily onto the left side of the body and hold this position for good 30 seconds or until your symptoms subside. This finishes one complete round and you may have to repeat the steps based on the recommendations of your doctor or healthcare provider.

Other physical therapy maneuvers include movement of the hand in the anterior-posterior plane 10 times, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet habits, and the movement of eye muscles in all directions.

Always seek the advice of your doctor before performing these exercises and determine the number of times you have to perform these maneuvers. With the Brandt Daroff technique, always lie at a 45-degree angle when lying on the side of your body. 

If the Brandt Daroff technique does not produce any symptoms, you can stop the exercise after discussing it with your physician. Generally, these maneuvers are safe, effective, and hazard-free and help in the correction or at least management of benign positional vertigo. 

Perform all physical therapy exercises in a sitting posture to avoid the risk of falling or hurting yourself due to vertigo and dizziness.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Vertigo and Dizziness Eliminated Without Drugs

These Easy, 15 Minutes, Head Balance Exercises Treat All Types of Vertigo and Dizziness - Starting Today!

If you think your vertigo or occasional dizziness is just an inconvenience…

You’re Dead Wrong!

  • Vertigo is the number one cause of broken bones and head injuries in people over 55.
  • It often leads to deadly head fractures and loss of cognitive function due to internal bleeding and brain injuries.
  • It’s the most frequent complaint doctors receive.
  • And worst of all, it’s a clear indicator that you’re at high risk of stroke – you could experience one any minute now.

The traditional medical system has no solution.

They don’t even know what causes it in most cases.

Fortunately, natural researchers have successfully found a solution to all types of vertigo and dizziness.

The cure is a set of simple head exercises.

  • They’re completely natural – require no medications or surgery.
  • They’re easy – almost anyone can benefit from them, no matter what kind of shape you’re in.
  • They only take 3-15 minutes per day – and because the results are permanent, once you’re cured, you don’t have to use them again.
  • They work fast – many people experience immediate relief. Others need a few days or weeks at the most.

…and they work for almost everyone!

Today I’m going to teach you these easy vertigo and dizziness exercises. Click here to continue…

Monday, January 9, 2023

Ringing in the Ears and Vertigo - Understanding the Connection Between These Two Symptoms

If you have ringing in the ears you may have a condition called tinnitus, for those who suffer from this condition life can become unbearable as the constant loud ringing in their ears interrupts their entire day as well as makes it impossible for them to sleep at night. 

If have both ringing in the ears and Vertigo then it is possible that you may have another condition other than tinnitus that is treatable.

Defining Vertigo

First, it is important to understand just what vertigo is since all too often people mistake dizziness for vertigo when they go talk to their doctor. Both dizziness and vertigo can both be present with ringing in the ears but vertigo tends to be much more severe than dizziness. 

Vertigo is the sensation of the entire room spinning or you suddenly dropping when in fact you are still standing or sitting in the same place. Vertigo originates in a different place than dizziness and is almost always a symptom of an inner ear problem.

Often times vertigo may appear first and tinnitus may be a symptom of vertigo or the inner ear problem. Other symptoms that may be present are loss of hearing, ear pain, and in severe cases nausea and vomiting. 

Sometimes these symptoms may be caused by a malfunction, infection, or allergies however if the symptoms are intermittent in nature they are most likely caused by a condition called Meniere's disease.

Understanding Meniere's Disease

Meniere's disease is a condition that is caused by excessive fluid production in the inner ear, or more precisely an imbalance in the amount of fluid between the two ears. When the amount of fluid is the same in both ears you should have no symptoms and everything is in balance and works correctly. 

When the fluid in your ears is out of balance you will experience vertigo, ringing in the ears, a fullness, and loss of hearing in the ear that has excess fluid.

One of the hallmark signs that differentiate Meniere's disease from other conditions such as tinnitus is the fact that it is intermittent and comes in clusters. These clusters may go on for days or weeks, but each cluster does not normally last more than a few hours. The clusters will persist for a time, then go away, and may stay absent for years only to return again.

Meniere's disease most often goes away on its own, however, there are treatments that are available to relieve the episodes of vertigo and new treatments that are being studied that may relieve the entire cluster. Other treatments include teaching your brain to be prepared for vertigo when it occurs by engaging in exercises that require spinning such as dancing.

Not all vertigo and ringing in the ears is Meniere's, persistent dizziness and ringing in the ears is most likely tinnitus which can have many different causes and can be difficult to treat.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Vertigo and Dizziness Eliminated Without Drugs

These Easy, 15 Minutes, Head Balance Exercises Treat All Types of Vertigo and Dizziness - Starting Today!

If you think your vertigo or occasional dizziness is just an inconvenience…

You’re Dead Wrong!

  • Vertigo is the number one cause of broken bones and head injuries in people over 55.
  • It often leads to deadly head fractures and loss of cognitive function due to internal bleeding and brain injuries.
  • It’s the most frequent complaint doctors receive.
  • And worst of all, it’s a clear indicator that you’re at high risk of stroke – you could experience one any minute now.

The traditional medical system has no solution.

They don’t even know what causes it in most cases.

Fortunately, natural researchers have successfully found a solution to all types of vertigo and dizziness.

The cure is a set of simple head exercises.

  • They’re completely natural – require no medications or surgery.
  • They’re easy – almost anyone can benefit from them, no matter what kind of shape you’re in.
  • They only take 3-15 minutes per day – and because the results are permanent, once you’re cured, you don’t have to use them again.
  • They work fast – many people experience immediate relief. Others need a few days or weeks at the most.

…and they work for almost everyone!

Today I’m going to teach you these easy vertigo and dizziness exercises. Click here to continue…

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Discover How to Counter the Effects of Anxiety and Dizziness

A prevalent anxiety symptom is a dizziness and feeling light-headed. By exploring the link between anxiety and dizziness, we will embark on a search for answers.

Which came first, the anxiety or the dizziness?

Anxiety, and dizziness; does one cause the other? Ailments of the inner ear are often the trigger of dizziness and imbalance. Feelings of dizziness can cause anxiety, and concern, with respect to your overall health. In such instances, anxiety is proven to be the root cause of dizziness.

On the contrary, there are times when anxiety leads to dizziness. The heavy breathing associated with an anxiety attack induces a feeling of light-headedness, which can create a sense of dizziness.

Whatever your suspicions are regarding your dizziness, please consult with your physician.

Eat your way to a life without anxiety and dizziness

Proper nutrition is essential in avoiding feelings of dizziness due to low blood sugar. To accomplish this, eat several small meals per day. Lost in the shuffle of the day, many people find that they don't have enough time to have breakfast or lunch.

Eating three meals per day can help you maintain your health. Being short on time won't be an excuse if you plan, and prepare your food for the week, on Sunday afternoon. You will be able to grab your prepared lunch on your way to work in the mornings.

Taking it slow, and learning how to beat anxiety and dizziness

Those with anxiety and dizziness may have a fear of leaving home. This fear is rationalized by the fact that their home is a place of safety, and that a bout of dizziness could cause them to collapse in unfamiliar surroundings. Do not feel limited, as there are things you can do to battle dizziness.

Hyperventilation is a key indication that you are experiencing a bout of anxiety or a panic attack. Amidst this heightened state, your body's oxygen levels are off balance, which can cause an increase in feelings of anxiety or dizziness.

Slow, rhythmic, breathing can help you calm yourself, and reverse the symptoms of a panic attack. By using these deep breathing practices, you are assisting your body to lower the levels of anxiety, symptoms of light-headedness; and subsequent dizziness.

Within minutes, you will feel more relaxed.

By far, these breathing techniques are the best way to combat anxiety-onset of dizziness. Get to know your breathing patterns so that you will know when to counter an anxiety attack.

Yes, anxiety and dizziness do share a link. Keep in mind that you can counter the effects of anxiety and that the anxiety itself is the cause of your dizziness.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

The Natural Vertigo and Dizziness Relief Exercise Program – By Christian Goodman

I’m not going to waste your time with lots of reading. You’re probably anxious to get rid of your pain, so let me get straight to the point.

This program is split into 4 parts:

  1. Neck release exercises
  2. Head exercises
  3. Neck and shoulders exercises
  4. Tension removal exercises

You don’t have to push yourself to do all the exercises in the program. The most important parts are parts 1 (neck release exercises) and part 2 (head exercises). 

These exercises focus on releasing tension from the muscles around the neck and ears. This increases the blood flow up to the head, releases any squeezed nerves, and frees the balance system in the ears.

These exercises will put absolutely no strain on the neck, so there’s no discomfort and there is no danger of harming anything, even if your vertigo is caused by a neck accident.

The neck and shoulders exercises (part 3) are very refreshing and pump fresh oxygen into the neck and shoulders and up to the head. If you’ve had a neck accident, however, you should not practice this part.

The exercises in part 4 are very good in getting rid of both emotional and physical tension, which are very common causes of vertigo and dizziness. Practicing these exercises makes you feel better and makes the other exercises work better too.

The program helped everyone who gave it a good try. Only those who gave up too early failed to treat their vertigo and dizziness. So I’m convinced it will work for you, too.

Click Here To Watch This Video On The Official Website