Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Athletes and Dizziness - Common Complaints and What Doctors Have To Say

In cases of athletic dizziness, when the symptoms are moderate to severe, the athlete will seek the advice of a physician. Most of these conditions are not going to be too serious. Benign or not, an athlete's dizziness can interfere with a person's exercise program. 

Of the time, altering the way that you exercise is just fine. A person can still do something less "dizzying" so to speak, and maintain an adequate health and fitness regimen.

Nonetheless, athletes who are not just athletic people but athletic competitors have a harder time if dizziness interferes with their game. There are two classifications into which an athlete's dizziness fit: the first category is vertigo and the second is called presyncope. 

When you feel it is essential for you to be able to work up to your full ability and you are experiencing some kind of dizziness - you may be able to fix the problem. The physiology of an athlete is marked by a slow resting heart rate or low blood pressure, these may present certain causes of dizziness.

Vertigo is actually accountable for almost fifty percent of dizziness. This is a spinning sensation that happens, often impairing someone's mobility, often causing nausea, and in worst cases, it can be sudden and uncontrollable. Presyncope is a different kind of dizziness commonly diagnosed when athletes complain of this symptom. The characteristics of presyncope are lightheadedness, the sensation that one may faint, or actually fainting.

Common vertigo causes may or may not have to do with your athleticism. Vertigo is virtually always related to the vestibular system. This is a part of the inner ear. When the balance of the structures in the ear is thrown off, resulting vertigo will also throw off the balance of the body itself. Anything out of whack in the inner ear can potentially cause vertigo.

From head trauma and inflammation and/or infection in the inner ear to migraines, multiple sclerosis, strokes, and even tumors, vertigo can be a pronounced symptom. So you can see (athlete or not) experiences of vertigo are very important to attend to - whether you mind the spinning spells or not, see a doctor. The possibilities of the latter and more serious illnesses being the cause of vertigo are all much less likely, but the sooner you know, the better it will be for you!

Presyncope is (virtually just as often as vertigo) diagnosed with a definitive benign cause, so the hope is that the problem can be avoided or is treatable. However, sometimes the underlying cause can be serious, such as when presyncope presents as a symptom of heart disease. Presyncope is a vasovagal condition. 

A vasovagal condition is basically a condition that involves unusual activity in the vascus nerves. Something that can stimulate the symptom can be anything from standing up too quickly or standing up for long periods of time can be all it takes to trigger someone who has presyncope.

If you are an athlete suffering from certain spells of dizziness characteristic of presyncope, don't worry just yet! Hyperventilation can be a cause of presyncope. Sometimes all you need to do is concentrate better on your breathing. There are also non-specific types of dizziness that can be caused by psychiatric upsets. In other words, psychological stress can develop and present in intensive, non-specific forms of dizziness.

There are many causes for athletic dizziness - so don't self-diagnose, figure it out. It is much more debilitating when this type of dizziness affects you during sports games etc. Of course, some of these conditions are much less serious than others. Many athletes are scared of what is at times when they feel it is essential for them to be able to work up to their full ability. There are many associations between athleticism and vertigo, as well as presyncope conditions.

Most importantly, please remember that there is also no reason to assume the worst-case scenario if you are experiencing the symptoms I have described. The worst-case scenarios (in other words, the worst illnesses) that would present with symptoms of vertigo and presyncope are much less common than the causes that are simpler to deal with. On that point, I can not express myself more clearly. 

Individuals have individual needs, and their symptoms are caused by individual problems. Don't stew over the symptoms or speculate too much about what it possibly could be until you have some professional idea of what the true nature of your condition or illness actually is.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

The Natural Vertigo and Dizziness Relief Exercise Program – By Christian Goodman

I’m not going to waste your time with lots of reading. You’re probably anxious to get rid of your pain, so let me get straight to the point.

This program is split into 4 parts:

  1. Neck release exercises
  2. Head exercises
  3. Neck and shoulders exercises
  4. Tension removal exercises

You don’t have to push yourself to do all the exercises in the program. The most important parts are parts 1 (neck release exercises) and part 2 (head exercises). 

These exercises focus on releasing tension from the muscles around the neck and ears. This increases the blood flow up to the head, releases any squeezed nerves, and frees the balance system in the ears.

These exercises will put absolutely no strain on the neck, so there’s no discomfort and there is no danger of harming anything, even if your vertigo is caused by a neck accident.

The neck and shoulders exercises (part 3) are very refreshing and pump fresh oxygen into the neck and shoulders and up to the head. If you’ve had a neck accident, however, you should not practice this part.

The exercises in part 4 are very good in getting rid of both emotional and physical tension, which are very common causes of vertigo and dizziness. Practicing these exercises makes you feel better and makes the other exercises work better too.

The program helped everyone who gave it a good try. Only those who gave up too early failed to treat their vertigo and dizziness. So I’m convinced it will work for you, too.

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