Sunday, February 19, 2023

Vertigo Causes Nausea and Vomiting – Is It Serious?

At least 40% of adults will experience vertigo at some point in their life, and women tend to experience episodes more often than men. Not only can this condition leave you feeling dizzy and unbalanced, but it can also cause nausea, which is a feeling of being sick to your stomach.

At ENT of New Orleans, with four locations in the Greater New Orleans area, our team of providers can help diagnose the cause of your vertigo and also help you manage any symptoms, such as nausea.

Vertigo 101

Vertigo occurs when the inner ear and brain sense movement when there is none. This is why people with vertigo feel like the world is spinning, even if they’re sitting or standing completely still. There are two main types of vertigo: peripheral vertigo and central vertigo. 

Peripheral Vertigo

Peripheral vertigo is caused by an issue with the inner ear, where the vestibular system is located. The vestibular system is responsible for balance, so you might experience vertigo if you have an inner ear infection or injury. 

One common type of peripheral vertigo is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, in which debris in the inner ear causes false signals to be sent to your brain that you’re moving.

Other conditions that can cause peripheral vertigo to include the following:

  • Labyrinthitis, or inflammation and infection of the inner ear
  • Vestibular neuronitis, or inflammation and infection of the vestibular nerve 
  • Meniere’s disease, a chronic inner-ear condition 

Central Vertigo

Central vertigo is rooted in the brain, which often indicates a more serious issue. A number of problems can cause central vertigo, including the following:

  • Blood vessel issues
  • Tumors
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Certain kinds of migraines
  • Stroke
  • Certain drugs, such as aspirin, anticonvulsants, and alcohol
  • Seizures in rare cases 
Nausea and Vertigo

The most common symptom of vertigo is a spinning sensation, but many people experience an uneasy stomach and vomiting as well. This is because your sense of balance is unstable, which confuses your body. People experience nausea during motion sickness for the same reason. 

Nausea during vertigo is normal, but it can be stressful and embarrassing if you vomit during an episode. This is why many doctors prescribe antinausea medications to those suffering from vertigo and motion sickness. 

Overcoming Vertigo-related Nausea

Treatment depends on what kind of vertigo you’re experiencing and what’s causing it. Once your doctor diagnoses the cause of your vertigo, you can begin discussing treatment options. 

Along with antinausea medications, your doctor might prescribe vestibular rehabilitation. This is a form of physical therapy that can help you maintain your balance and also help strengthen your vestibular system. 

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Vertigo and Dizziness Eliminated Without Drugs

These Easy, 15 Minutes, Head Balance Exercises Treat All Types of Vertigo and Dizziness - Starting Today!

If you think your vertigo or occasional dizziness is just an inconvenience…

You’re Dead Wrong!

  • Vertigo is the number one cause of broken bones and head injuries in people over 55.
  • It often leads to deadly head fractures and loss of cognitive function due to internal bleeding and brain injuries.
  • It’s the most frequent complaint doctors receive.
  • And worst of all, it’s a clear indicator that you’re at high risk of stroke – you could experience one any minute now.

The traditional medical system has no solution.

They don’t even know what causes it in most cases.

Fortunately, natural researchers have successfully found a solution to all types of vertigo and dizziness.

The cure is a set of simple head exercises.

  • They’re completely natural – require no medications or surgery.
  • They’re easy – almost anyone can benefit from them, no matter what kind of shape you’re in.
  • They only take 3-15 minutes per day – and because the results are permanent, once you’re cured, you don’t have to use them again.
  • They work fast – many people experience immediate relief. Others need a few days or weeks at the most.

…and they work for almost everyone!

Today I’m going to teach you these easy vertigo and dizziness exercises. Click here to continue…

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Can Chiropractic Care Help Dizziness and Vertigo?

Recently a patient, Tina, came to me for lower back pain she was having. On her initial visit, while we were talking, she said that she also frequently had intermittent spells of lightheadedness and dizziness when rising from lying down on her bed or a couch. 

She explained how she had been diagnosed as having vertigo and no treatment had helped and she was told she'd have to live with it. She asked me: "Can chiropractic care help with dizziness and vertigo?" I said we could check and see what could be done. Fortunately, we were able to help her substantially.

This article will describe how chiropractic care can help with lightheadedness, dizziness, and vertigo. It will describe what can cause vertigo and how chiropractic treatment can be of assistance. It will also give details about a recent new research study validating conservative chiropractic care for dizziness.

Humans experience balance by way of the three sensory mechanisms. The first is visual. We all know that if we have our eyes open we have better balance than if we are close to. The second is a sensory organ in our ear called the vestibular system. People who get an ear infection may times have balance problems and feeling woozy. 

The third sensory mechanism is found in the joints of the body. Sensory receptors in the joints of our body send messages of balance to our brains. Our feet, hips, and upper joints of our neck are particularly loaded with these important types of joint receptors.

A recent research study in the Journal of Disability and Rehabilitation, in February 2019 published important documentation noting the relationship between problems in the upper neck and dizziness. 

They said that among a group of 236 patients with dizziness, researchers found that 59% also suffered from neck pain. Those with neck pain reported a lower quality of life and worse dizziness symptoms. The author's findings suggest that dizziness may be a symptom associated with what is known as "cervical dysfunction".

Cervical dysfunction simply means that the bones, called vertebrae, and joints of the upper cervical spine are misaligned and/or not moving properly. This could happen from trauma or prolonged poor posture such as one that might have a desk job or from repetitive movements like turning the head repeatedly.

Doctors of Chiropractic are trained to assess patients with both neck pain and dizziness. Chiropractors are skilled professionals who are able to feel the areas of the upper cervical spine to see if there is misalignment or improper motion, muscle spasms, and inflammation. Chiropractors also can utilize x-rays to examine this area of the spine.

If there is a mechanical problem in this area chiropractors have safe, gentle, effective methods to give conservative treatment to help with dizziness, lightheadedness, and vertigo.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Vertigo and Dizziness Eliminated Without Drugs

These Easy, 15 Minutes, Head Balance Exercises Treat All Types of Vertigo and Dizziness - Starting Today!

If you think your vertigo or occasional dizziness is just an inconvenience…

You’re Dead Wrong!

  • Vertigo is the number one cause of broken bones and head injuries in people over 55.
  • It often leads to deadly head fractures and loss of cognitive function due to internal bleeding and brain injuries.
  • It’s the most frequent complaint doctors receive.
  • And worst of all, it’s a clear indicator that you’re at high risk of stroke – you could experience one any minute now.

The traditional medical system has no solution.

They don’t even know what causes it in most cases.

Fortunately, natural researchers have successfully found a solution to all types of vertigo and dizziness.

The cure is a set of simple head exercises.

  • They’re completely natural – require no medications or surgery.
  • They’re easy – almost anyone can benefit from them, no matter what kind of shape you’re in.
  • They only take 3-15 minutes per day – and because the results are permanent, once you’re cured, you don’t have to use them again.
  • They work fast – many people experience immediate relief. Others need a few days or weeks at the most.

…and they work for almost everyone!

Today I’m going to teach you these easy vertigo and dizziness exercises. Click here to continue…

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Athletes and Dizziness - Common Complaints and What Doctors Have To Say

In cases of athletic dizziness, when the symptoms are moderate to severe, the athlete will seek the advice of a physician. Most of these conditions are not going to be too serious. Benign or not, an athlete's dizziness can interfere with a person's exercise program. 

Of the time, altering the way that you exercise is just fine. A person can still do something less "dizzying" so to speak, and maintain an adequate health and fitness regimen.

Nonetheless, athletes who are not just athletic people but athletic competitors have a harder time if dizziness interferes with their game. There are two classifications into which an athlete's dizziness fit: the first category is vertigo and the second is called presyncope. 

When you feel it is essential for you to be able to work up to your full ability and you are experiencing some kind of dizziness - you may be able to fix the problem. The physiology of an athlete is marked by a slow resting heart rate or low blood pressure, these may present certain causes of dizziness.

Vertigo is actually accountable for almost fifty percent of dizziness. This is a spinning sensation that happens, often impairing someone's mobility, often causing nausea, and in worst cases, it can be sudden and uncontrollable. Presyncope is a different kind of dizziness commonly diagnosed when athletes complain of this symptom. The characteristics of presyncope are lightheadedness, the sensation that one may faint, or actually fainting.

Common vertigo causes may or may not have to do with your athleticism. Vertigo is virtually always related to the vestibular system. This is a part of the inner ear. When the balance of the structures in the ear is thrown off, resulting vertigo will also throw off the balance of the body itself. Anything out of whack in the inner ear can potentially cause vertigo.

From head trauma and inflammation and/or infection in the inner ear to migraines, multiple sclerosis, strokes, and even tumors, vertigo can be a pronounced symptom. So you can see (athlete or not) experiences of vertigo are very important to attend to - whether you mind the spinning spells or not, see a doctor. The possibilities of the latter and more serious illnesses being the cause of vertigo are all much less likely, but the sooner you know, the better it will be for you!

Presyncope is (virtually just as often as vertigo) diagnosed with a definitive benign cause, so the hope is that the problem can be avoided or is treatable. However, sometimes the underlying cause can be serious, such as when presyncope presents as a symptom of heart disease. Presyncope is a vasovagal condition. 

A vasovagal condition is basically a condition that involves unusual activity in the vascus nerves. Something that can stimulate the symptom can be anything from standing up too quickly or standing up for long periods of time can be all it takes to trigger someone who has presyncope.

If you are an athlete suffering from certain spells of dizziness characteristic of presyncope, don't worry just yet! Hyperventilation can be a cause of presyncope. Sometimes all you need to do is concentrate better on your breathing. There are also non-specific types of dizziness that can be caused by psychiatric upsets. In other words, psychological stress can develop and present in intensive, non-specific forms of dizziness.

There are many causes for athletic dizziness - so don't self-diagnose, figure it out. It is much more debilitating when this type of dizziness affects you during sports games etc. Of course, some of these conditions are much less serious than others. Many athletes are scared of what is at times when they feel it is essential for them to be able to work up to their full ability. There are many associations between athleticism and vertigo, as well as presyncope conditions.

Most importantly, please remember that there is also no reason to assume the worst-case scenario if you are experiencing the symptoms I have described. The worst-case scenarios (in other words, the worst illnesses) that would present with symptoms of vertigo and presyncope are much less common than the causes that are simpler to deal with. On that point, I can not express myself more clearly. 

Individuals have individual needs, and their symptoms are caused by individual problems. Don't stew over the symptoms or speculate too much about what it possibly could be until you have some professional idea of what the true nature of your condition or illness actually is.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

The Natural Vertigo and Dizziness Relief Exercise Program – By Christian Goodman

I’m not going to waste your time with lots of reading. You’re probably anxious to get rid of your pain, so let me get straight to the point.

This program is split into 4 parts:

  1. Neck release exercises
  2. Head exercises
  3. Neck and shoulders exercises
  4. Tension removal exercises

You don’t have to push yourself to do all the exercises in the program. The most important parts are parts 1 (neck release exercises) and part 2 (head exercises). 

These exercises focus on releasing tension from the muscles around the neck and ears. This increases the blood flow up to the head, releases any squeezed nerves, and frees the balance system in the ears.

These exercises will put absolutely no strain on the neck, so there’s no discomfort and there is no danger of harming anything, even if your vertigo is caused by a neck accident.

The neck and shoulders exercises (part 3) are very refreshing and pump fresh oxygen into the neck and shoulders and up to the head. If you’ve had a neck accident, however, you should not practice this part.

The exercises in part 4 are very good in getting rid of both emotional and physical tension, which are very common causes of vertigo and dizziness. Practicing these exercises makes you feel better and makes the other exercises work better too.

The program helped everyone who gave it a good try. Only those who gave up too early failed to treat their vertigo and dizziness. So I’m convinced it will work for you, too.

Click Here To Watch This Video On The Official Website 

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

How to Determine If You Have Vertigo?

My friend was driving her car off to fetch the kids from school. The world suddenly spin, she was kind of dizzy but she was there sitting still in the car while everything was moving too fast... she was out of the blue for a while, good grace she stepped on the brake. She shouted for help in the middle of the street. She was just having a vertigo attack.

Vertigo is a type of dizziness that most aging people experience. Some women in their menopausal stage suffer vertigo caused by hormonal imbalance. Here are the symptoms of vertigo, if you are experiencing some of these then it is not usual dizziness but vertigo.

  1. Difficulty in standing or walking properly due to dizziness. Weak limbs.
  2. Nausea that lasts for 1 minute.
  3. Visions that everything is spinning or moving.
  4. The feeling of falling or dropping.
  5. Visions seem blurry and appear double.
  6. Could not focus and could not hear properly
  7. Feeling of light-headedness
  8. Discomfort in the ear.
  9. Discomfort while swallowing.
  10. Having facial paralysis.

The best way to prevent vertigo attacks is to have enough sleep. An ideal 8 hours of sleep during the night and 1 to 2-hour nap during the daytime can minimize the symptoms of vertigo. It is also advisable to avoid stress. Stress can cause hormonal imbalance causing vertigo to attack.

Nicotine and caffeine can also trigger the symptoms. It is better to quit smoking and avoid drinking coffee if you are diagnosed having vertigo. Coffee can cause serious sleep problems just like nicotine which inhibits sleep. Caffeine is considered a drug that can increase heart rate making you alert and nervous.

My friend once told me that vertigo attacks is getting worse whenever she had sex with her husband. Of course, I am not saying that you should avoid having sex too. But I need to jot it down that attacks may vary according to the activity of the person having vertigo. And sex may be one of the activities that trigger the attack.

From my friend's experience, the attack after she had sex brought her too much pain in her head giving her partial paralysis in her face. 

The numbness lasted around 10 minutes. She tried preventing random attacks with regular exercise and a proper diet. She includes the Buah Merah mix as part of her daily supplement. Now she can control the dizziness whenever vertigo tries to attack again.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Vertigo and Dizziness Eliminated Without Drugs

These Easy, 15 Minutes, Head Balance Exercises Treat All Types of Vertigo and Dizziness - Starting Today!

If you think your vertigo or occasional dizziness is just an inconvenience…

You’re Dead Wrong!

  • Vertigo is the number one cause of broken bones and head injuries in people over 55.
  • It often leads to deadly head fractures and loss of cognitive function due to internal bleeding and brain injuries.
  • It’s the most frequent complaint doctors receive.
  • And worst of all, it’s a clear indicator that you’re at high risk of stroke – you could experience one any minute now.

The traditional medical system has no solution.

They don’t even know what causes it in most cases.

Fortunately, natural researchers have successfully found a solution to all types of vertigo and dizziness.

The cure is a set of simple head exercises.

  • They’re completely natural – require no medications or surgery.
  • They’re easy – almost anyone can benefit from them, no matter what kind of shape you’re in.
  • They only take 3-15 minutes per day – and because the results are permanent, once you’re cured, you don’t have to use them again.
  • They work fast – many people experience immediate relief. Others need a few days or weeks at the most.

…and they work for almost everyone!

Today I’m going to teach you these easy vertigo and dizziness exercises. Click here to continue…

Monday, February 6, 2023

What is Labyrinthitis? And Why Does it Give You Vertigo?

So what is labyrinthitis, vertigo, an inner ear infection, or just plain dizziness in general?

The first thing you probably want to understand when you have this illness is...

"What the heck is wrong with me?"

Well, if your vertigo is caused by an inner ear infection which some experts say is the cause in like 95% of the cases here is what is going on with you...

There is either one of 2 parts in your inner ear that is infected - Meaning inflamed, irritated... something is wrong with this part.

Now, an inner ear infection is not a middle ear infection like a lot of children get. That is the part right behind the eardrum and it fills fluid, and the area becomes red and sometimes throbs... and it can be very uncomfortable.

It usually goes away on its own although antibiotics are prescribed in case a bacteria is the cause of it.

Anyway... your problem is different... it is in the inner ear.

That is closer to your brain and deals with nerves and impulses that are sent to your brain.

Either small tubes called the labyrinth or one of the small nerves in the inner ear has become inflamed or infected.

This problem causes bad signals to be sent to your brain.

Your brain maintains balance from different signals it gets from parts of your body. Most of your balance is controlled by your vestibular system... which is...

... between your ears for the most part.

When 1 part of this system gets screwed up it throws things out of whack... and that is what's happening to you.

A signal is being sent to your brain that is out of whack... your brain is interpreting this signal as movement... but your body isn't going anywhere.

Thus... you feel dizzy.

So, you probably will ask 1 of 2 questions next...

"What caused this?"

"How do I get rid of it?"

Well, let's take the cause first.

Since this is an illness that many doctors really do not fully understand, there is a debate on what is the real cause...

However, most people think it is caused by a virus.

It could, supposedly, in extremely rare cases be caused by a bacteria (so they say)/

"What about stress? could that bring it on?" you may ask.

Well, you know what, nobody knows for sure, but it is most likely that stress weakens your body's defenses to fight off diseases.

So, if you look at it that way, stress could have weakened your body to let a virus take hold and cause this.

Now, what this really means is... nobody is completely sure what causes this. Some people think it is the same virus that causes herpes... ya see, so it is very up in the air as to the specific cause... or the specific reason why your inner ear, either the nerve or labyrinth became inflamed.

Now... the other question...

"How do I get rid of it?"

Well, there is no pill. And I don't talk about pills as a cure for anything.

Pills simply chemically alter your body to take away a symptom.

And I know the symptoms of this illness are horrible enough to want to try a pill.

But, let me just explain how the body works...

... Your body is a bunch of systems that work together.

Nothing is independent. Your immune system works with your excretion system, your digestive system, etc.

So, this dizziness and inner ear infection are telling you that something in your body is out of whack... and what you need to do is start healing.

Now, it is my opinion that only your own body can heal itself.

For PROOF, and I mean proof you can see with your own eyes, just look what happens when you get a cut or scrape. Or even when you break your leg.

Your body heals itself. You don't have to do anything and your body will heal itself. A band-aid doesn't make the cut heal. Your body does that whether you have a band-aid on the cut or not.

Based on my years of study, which were done for my own benefit without being influenced by grants, or money from any outside sources that want to manipulate my findings:

... Based on my research, I believe the same thing happens inside your body.

Now your body needs certain nutrients to remain strong. It uses these nutrients to keep itself healthy.

Your body is smart, it knows how to heal and fight off illness.

However, if you deprive your body of the nutrients it needs... the job of keeping itself healthy becomes harder.

Eventually, a chink in the armor happens and some type of illness occurs, whether it is a cold, sore throat, or an inner ear infection.

So, When you break it down into the most simplistic term - you need to heal - And what is the only thing that can heal your body? Your Body.

So what is your job in all this? To give your body the tools to heal itself as fast as possible.

... See how something as simple as digging a hole relates to this...

If you wanted to dig a hole 6 feet deep, you could probably do it with your hands.

You could probably do it a little quicker and more efficiently with a stick. You could do it even better with a shovel, but a truck designed for digging could do it the quickest. To help your body to heal quickest, give need to give your body a truck to get the job done.

Genetically, some systems of your body are probably weaker than others.

Maybe your inner ear or ears are weaker than say your liver... whatever, I am just giving a "for instance"

OK, so what you need to do to heal is to aid your body. Your body needs good nutrients and it needs to get rid of the junk that is hurting it.

So, your first step will be to aid your body by giving it as much good, healthy, additive-free nutrients as you possibly can.

I want you to think of FLOODING your body with these nutrients.

Think... "body, I know you are trying to heal and I am going to give you as much help as I can"

Now, the nutrients your body needs may not be what you think.

How about fat for example. Believe it or not, your body probably needs more fat... but good natural fat... not man-made, processed, rancid, etc. type of fat which is doing nothing except drain your body of nutrients.

Of course, people think they know what those good fats are, but in my opinion, they are usually wrong.

So, there you have it.

An introduction as to what is going on with you and how you can begin healing your body which is the only sure way to get over this illness.

I followed exactly what I talked about in this article, and I'm back to normal. You can overcome your illness as well.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Vertigo and Dizziness Eliminated Without Drugs

These Easy, 15 Minutes, Head Balance Exercises Treat All Types of Vertigo and Dizziness - Starting Today!

If you think your vertigo or occasional dizziness is just an inconvenience…

You’re Dead Wrong!

  • Vertigo is the number one cause of broken bones and head injuries in people over 55.
  • It often leads to deadly head fractures and loss of cognitive function due to internal bleeding and brain injuries.
  • It’s the most frequent complaint doctors receive.
  • And worst of all, it’s a clear indicator that you’re at high risk of stroke – you could experience one any minute now.

The traditional medical system has no solution.

They don’t even know what causes it in most cases.

Fortunately, natural researchers have successfully found a solution to all types of vertigo and dizziness.

The cure is a set of simple head exercises.

  • They’re completely natural – require no medications or surgery.
  • They’re easy – almost anyone can benefit from them, no matter what kind of shape you’re in.
  • They only take 3-15 minutes per day – and because the results are permanent, once you’re cured, you don’t have to use them again.
  • They work fast – many people experience immediate relief. Others need a few days or weeks at the most.

…and they work for almost everyone!

Today I’m going to teach you these easy vertigo and dizziness exercises. Click here to continue…